Prague picnic 2018

Released: 7/9/2018
PRAGUE PICNIC is a unique summer event in Prague offering a fresh, friendly food festival in the environment of a beautiful park. So to complete the atmosphere, you'll get a picnic basket (and if you don't bring our own, you can rent a picnic blanket) and you're ready to explore the variety of food stalls and refreshments that await you. According to the organizers, you can enjoy various meats on a barbecue, sandwiches, hot dogs, burgers, sushi, and delicious coffee and home-made lemonades.

You can also look forward to accompanying program including, for example, a hot wing eating contest or a number of concerts. So are you in?

WHERE?  - Střelecký ostrov (MAP)
WHEN?  - 14 July - 15 July 2018 
HOW MUCH?  - The entrance is FREE, you only pay for food bought at the stalls


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