Time for visa extension is coming!
In this short article we would like to summarize all the documents needed for the visa extension. Remember there are always 5 documents you should prepare:
Filled application form (green one)
Available in our office or at the foreign police or you can download it from this link: Application form for a permanent residence permit for a non-EU citizen
The application form must be filled in czech language. If you want to apply for briding visa so you can travel in the meantime, fill it to the „additional info“ inside the application form. Again it must be in czech language. If you need help, message us or come to our office anytime,
Confirmation of accommodation
As a confirmation of accommodation you can use either Lease contract or a Proof of accommodation which is a simple document which you can download forexample from this link - Proof of accommodation (natural person). Your landlord needs to fill and sign the document. Please remember, the signature must be verified by notary (it can be done at every post office and it costs 30 CZK).
Confirmation of study from the university
Study confirmation will be given to you at a study department of your university.
Bank account statement
If you apply for one year the lowest amount you should have on your bank account is 81.400 CZK, for two years the amount is 134.200 CZK. A lot of students ask us if they can use their parent´s bank account statement – you can but only in case you have valid credit card with your name on it from their bank account. Also if you use your parent´s or yours foreign bank account you need to let it translated to czech language (with official stamp) and also the bank account statement must be an original document (you can´t use scan document which was sent by email, it must be signed and stamped from officer from the bank and sent to you by post).
Do you think it is too complicated? Don´t worry, there is much esier option which we recommend to all students. Majority of students have czech bank account (if you don´t have one and plan to stay here for couple of years, we reccommend to set up one) so there is no problem just to go to your czech bank and ask them for bank account statement – it will be issued for you in few minutes, already signed and stamped by officer and it will be already in czech language – of course you can do this only in case you have the sufficient amount of money on your czech bank account – if not, still worth to transfer your money from foreign bank account because you will safe money and time.
Health insurance
To extend your visa you also need to extend your health insurance. You can extend it trough forStudents – our price includes special discount for students. The current price for one year is 11.275 CZK. We can issue the health insurance right away (the best is if you apply for it at least one day before but if you are in rush, it can be done even in 30 minutes if you are willing to wait :))
All documents must be in CZECH language and original (or notarized copy) and not older than 3 months !
So that´s it, there are all documents you need to extend your visa!
There are just few more things you should know:
1) At the day of going to foreign police don´t forget your passport! A few students asked us if there is a problem if your passport is valid only for couple more months but you apply for one/two years visa – so no, it is not a problem, you can normally use your passport, just don´t forget to apply for new one :).
2) Don´t forget to buy „KOLEK“ which is czech word for revenue stamps. To apply for new visa you will need „kolek“ in the amount of 1.500 CZK, another „kolek“ in the amount of 1.000CZK will be needed on biometric card collection. Revenue stamps can be bought directly at the foreign police in the small tobacco shop in the entrance hall or at every post office.
3) You can apply for extension of your visa earliest 120 days before your current visa expire and latest the the same day of expiration.
4) Book an appointment! You will avoid long waiting infront of the office. Please remember if you want to book an appointment, do it at least 2 months before you want to go there because they are very busy and fully booked for several weeks. You can contact forStudents to make you an appoitment – if you are our client, it is for free.
5) Please note the officers at the foreign police can´t speak English or only a little bit. But don´t worry forStudents can accompany you to the foreign police and help you with your extentions – we charge 300 CZK per hour. Please if you want our assistance, inform us at least 1 week before.
6) While you apply for your visa, you will get an appointment for biometric card, don´t forget about it and go for your biometric on time! If you will not pick it up in time, your visa will be cancelled and you will need to apply for new visa and you will need to leave Czech Republic. If you are ill and can´t make it for your biometric card, you can ask them to postpone your date but you will need report from your doctor.
More information on our website:
Picture: https://www.lf2.cuni.cz/en/study/applicants/getting-your-student-visa