I am showing informations for
PrahaHradec KrálovéBrno
This type of service is set up in Hradec Králové city.
Details for Hradec Kralove
Storage place needed?
Clean, dry and safe storage in Hradec Králové city centre
This type of service is set up in Hradec Králové city..jpg?width=246&height=431)
- The luggage will be individually numbered
- For short or long term
- Free rental of boxes or bags
- Possibility of moving service
The amount of luggage
Till 2 months
2 to 6 months
6 to 12 months
12 months and more
1 to 9 pieces
600 CZK
800 CZK
1.500 CZK
2.000 CZK
10 to 15 pieces
800 CZK
1.000 CZK
1.900 CZK
2.500 CZK
16 to 20 pieces
1.000 CZK
1.200 CZK
2.200 CZK
3.000 CZK
Luggage transfer in Hradec Králové
- up to 10 pieces …. 500 CZK / 1 way
- 11 to 20 pieces….. 950 CZK / 1 way
We do not store valuable items such as jewellery, computers, personal documents, etc ....
Please contact us to our email: hradec@forstudents.cz.